
Top 10 Powerful People in the world 2018

||Top 10 Powerful People in the World||

Hello i have the most important list of people who are powerful in the world and are leading personalities of the world and ranked in Forbes.

Website -

So here's the list below , have a look you will get motivated too.

1. Xi Jinping  -  China

2. Vladimir Putin  -  Russia

3. Donald Trump  -  United States

4. Angela Merkel  -  Germany

5. Jeff Bezos  -

6. Pope Francis  -  Roman Catholic                                     Chruch

7. Bill Gates  -  Bill and Melinda                                     Gates Foundation

8. Mohammed Bin  -  Saudi Arabia
     Salman Al Saud

9. Narendra Modi  -  India

10. Larry Page  -  Alphabet

So friends hope  you liked my post and will be satisfied with these information given by Forbes and pasted by me .

Thank you ! 


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