
Showing posts with the label Top 15 Powerful Women in the world 2018


Top 15 Powerful Women in the world 2018

 Here's the list below...😃👇 1    Angela Merkel  ------------------   Germany 2      Theresa May -----------------------  United Kingdom 3 Melinda Gates  ---------------------  United States 4 Sheryl Sandberg  ------------------------- United States 5 Mary Barra  ----------------------  United States 6 Susan Wojcicki  --------------------  United States 7 Abigail Johnson  -----------------   United States 8 Christine Lagarde  --------------- France 9 Ana Patricia Botín -------------- Spain 10 Ginni Rometty  -----------------   United States 11 Indra Nooyi -------------- United  States 12 Meg Whitman  --------------   United States 13 Angela Ahrendts ------------- United  States 14 Laurene Powell Jobs. ----------   United States 15 Tsai Ing-wen   -----------   Taiwan