
Showing posts from August, 2020



DYATLOV PASS INCIDENT   In January 1959, nine Soviet college students were killed under mysterious circumstances while hiking through the Ural Mountains in what's now known as the Dyatlov Pass incident. The  Ural Mountains or simply  the Urals , are a  mountain range  that runs approximately from north to south through  western Russia , from the coast of the  Arctic Ocean  to the  Ural River and northwestern  Kazakhstan . The mountain range forms part of the  conventional boundary  between the continents of  Europe and  Asia .  In January 1959, 23-year-old ski hiker Igor Alekseievich Dyatlov and his team of nine experienced ski hikers from the Ural Polytechnical Institute embarked on a journey to reach the peak of Otorten, a mountain in the Northern Urals. The route they used, in the early months, witnesses bizarre weather conditions resulting in the illness of a team member who was forced to come ...